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A Healthy Smile Starts With a Healthy Mouth

Everyone has been obsessed with beautiful teeth, and over the years, the interest has grown tremendously as people have discovered that they can make it happen with the help of their dentist in Bowling Green. But did you know that while cosmetic dentistry gives you an instantly beautiful smile, ultimately, it boils down to maintenance?    

What good would it be if you had a perfectly aligned smile, but underneath it is tooth decay or bad breath due to untreated gum disease? If you want to have a beautiful smile, you have to work on achieving a healthy mouth.  

dentist in bowling green about to inject anesthesia in patient's mouth

How to Achieve a Healthy Mouth

Visit the Dental Office

You can’t expect a healthy mouth if you skip dental appointments. It may not seem beneficial at the moment but according to science-based research, ditching your dentist because you’re anxious or you find it inconvenient can have repercussions in the long run.  

People who don’t see the dentist for routine oral exams and teeth cleanings are at risk of gum disease, cavities, and tooth decay.  

Everyone Needs Dental Care  

We often think children and the elderly are exempted, but they aren’t. Everyone, regardless of age, requires mouth maintenance. Visiting your dentist regularly will allow them to assess your needs based on your age group.  

For example, did you know that parents must assist their children during brushing until they are old enough to apply the right techniques? The elderly have other medical conditions to consider, like arthritis, that makes it difficult to brush and floss effectively. It is vital to speak with your dentist about improving your oral health, depending on your age.

Say Goodbye to Soda

Have you ever wondered why sodas are addictive? According to science, these fizzy drinks contain high amounts of sugar that, when you drink them, will lead to a “sugar rush,” leading to more cravings. It also activates your brain's reward center, causing it to release dopamine, a happy hormone. Not only does soda make you gain unnecessary weight, but it compromises your oral health.  

The citric and phosphoric acid responsible for that fizz will eat away your enamel. Furthermore, the sugars they leave on your teeth make you vulnerable to cavities and tooth decay. Your safest option is to go for water.  

Cut Down on Sugar

Did you know that sugar is one of the most notorious culprits that cause tooth decay? Bacteria love to feed on sugars. As they feed on the sugar in your food and drinks, they release acids that destroy your teeth and gums. If you want to protect your smile, make wise dietary choices.  

Quit Smoking

Just like anything sweet, smoking is also addictive, and unfortunately, it’s not good for your teeth. The tar and nicotine in cigarettes will leave your teeth with ugly, yellow stains.  

Research shows they are also bad for your gums. If that’s not bad enough, the chemicals that make cigarettes are also carcinogenic, making you susceptible to oral cancer. You can ask your dentist for help if you’ve been struggling to quit smoking.  

dentist in bowling green checking patient's mouth

Looking for a Dentist in Bowling Green?

A beautiful smile always starts with a healthy mouth. If your oral health is in tip-top shape, the rest will follow. We strive to give our best at Brighten Dental because you deserve it. Our team works hard to offer the highest quality dental care.  

We use the latest technology and ensure that our dental office is warm and welcoming to keep you comfortable. We look forward to seeing you! Contact us for a consultation.