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Top Questions About Full Mouth Reconstruction Answered

Is there hope for dental problems that cannot be solved with a single procedure? There is. All you need is a full mouth restoration in Bowling Green. A full mouth restoration is a series of dental work that restores your smile by fixing your teeth or replacing them.

The idea of getting multiple procedures can be daunting, but research proves that it’s evidence-based, safe, and effective in restoring your smile and oral health. It uses a combination of cosmetic, neuromuscular, and restorative treatments to fix chronic dental problems in your mouth.

Types of tooth replacements for a full mouth restoration in bowling green

FAQs About Full Mouth Reconstruction

What Is a Full Mouth Reconstruction?

A full mouth reconstruction, also known as full mouth restoration or full mouth rehabilitation, is a string of dental procedures that aim to improve oral health. The treatments vary from patient to patient, depending on their unique needs. Nevertheless, the result is the same for everyone. It improves the appearance of your smile and enhances oral functionality.

Is It Similar to a Smile Makeover?

Smile makeovers and full mouth restoration may overlap in some respects, but they are not similar. One of the biggest differences is that full mouth restoration is a medical necessity.  

While it does help give you a new smile, the driving force behind this extensive procedure is to restore your oral health and function. On the other hand, a smile makeover consists of various dental procedures performed solely for aesthetic purposes.

Who Are Candidates for a Full Mouth Restoration?

During a consultation, your dentist will determine if you need a full mouth reconstruction. The ideal candidates for full mouth reconstruction are those who suffer from severe TMJ disorders, severely worn teeth due to acid reflux and teeth grinding (bruxism), extensive damage due to injury, and severe tooth decay.  

A full mouth restoration may also be necessary for patients with congenital mouth diseases and certain types of oral cancer.

What Are the Procedures Involved?

The procedures vary significantly as they will be based on your specific needs. The restoration you’ll get may differ entirely from another patient. Examples of procedures in full mouth reconstruction are root planing, tooth extractions, orthodontics, bone grafting, root canal therapy, dental implants, and corrective jaw surgery.

How Does It Start?

Before you’re scheduled for a full mouth reconstruction, you must first need to meet with your dentist for a consultation. Your dentist will perform a comprehensive oral exam to check your teeth, gums, bite, and jaw to determine what procedures you’ll need. An X-ray may be ordered to get a closer look at your mouth. You’ll also be asked questions about your dental goals.

How Long Does a Full Mouth Restoration Take?

Unfortunately, a full mouth restoration cannot be achieved overnight. Since it involves a series of dental work, expect it to take a while.

For example, dental implant surgery can take up to six months since you need to wait for your jawbone to heal, while a tooth extraction may require up to three months for the sockets to be fully restored. It can take several months or a year since healing takes this long.

full mouth restoration surgery in bowling green

Do You Need Full Mouth Restoration in Bowling Green?

Full mouth reconstruction may seem intimidating, but if you understand the process and learn about the benefits, you’ll develop a new appreciation for it.

At Brighten Dental, we are proud to offer a wide array of restorative dental to help bring your smile back. We understand that it can be stressful for you to visit the dental office but rest assured that we have the tools and training necessary to help you relax and enjoy your time with us. Contact us today for an appointment.